RHexLib Project

--- RHex Control Software Libraries ---

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Information for readers of the
Embedded Systems Programming(ESP) Magazine article.

The RHexLib distribution 1.0 and later versions contain the source code for the example presented in our ESP article submission. This page details how to obtain and check out the example code.

In other parts of this web site, you can find instructions on how to install and compile RHexLib. Once SimSect++ and RHexLib are compiled, the source code for the ESP article examples can be found in the examples/esp subdirectory of the RHexLib core releases later than 1.0.

If you have successfully installed SimSect++ and RHexLib, the following sequence of commands will run the Supervisor example in the article through the SimSect simulation system.

# cd RHexLib
# cd examples/esp
# make clean
# make depend
# make

If there were any error messages after any of these commands and/or you do not see a 3D image of RHex running around in a window, it is likely that something went wrong during your RHexLib and/or SimSect installation. Please refer to the FAQ and RHexLib documentation for troubleshooting.



This page was created by Uluc Saranli, 2001