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--- RHex Control Software Libraries ---

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Compiling RHexLib components

This page explains how to compile various RHexLib components and some common problems that you might encounter along the way. Installation and compilation of SimSect++ is explained in a separate document.

This document assumes that you have read the installation instructions, and you have the following directory structure setup in your home directory:


The first thing that needs to be done is to setup the environment variables required for the compilation of the code. If you are running csh or tcsh, place the following lines in the .cshrc file in your home directory:

setenv RHEX_DIR $HOME/RHex/RHexLib
setenv SIMSECT_DIR $HOME/RHex/SimSect++

You might need to logout and log back in for these to take effect. Alternatively, you can manually execute these command to set the variables. Note that the RHEX_HARDWARE variable indicates which hardware component should be used for certain platform dependent parts of the code. Currently the valid settings are _MICHIGAN_ and _MCGILL_.

Bash users should put the following lines in the .bashrc in their home directory.

export RHEX_DIR=$HOME/RHex/RHexLib
export SIMSECT_DIR=$HOME/RHex/SimSect++

Once again, logout and log back in to activate these changes.

We are now in a position to compile the library components. Each of these directories are setup with Makefiles which support the following commands:

  • make clean : Deletes all the compiled object files and libraries as well as the temporary files and compiled documentation.
  • make cleanobj : Only deletes compiled object files. Leaves the library files intact. This is useful if you want to use the libraries but want to save disk space by getting rid of the compiled object files.
  • make depend : Determine dependencies between source files and header files. This is a *very important* command. It makes sure that when the libraries are being compiled, the dependency of the sources to the included header files is considered. As a consequence, when you make a change to a header file, all the C++ files that use that header file are recompiled. Every time the #include statements in the files are changed, or when you freshly uncompress a package, you should issue this command. Otherwise, strange compile time errors might pop up.
  • make or make libs: These commands compile all the necessary source files in the package and creates thecorresponding libraries
  • make all : This command is similar to make, but it also compiles and builds executable files in the package in addition to the library files.
  • make wc : This is a facility which counts the number of lines in each of the source files, headers etc. Good for getting a line count for the source distribution.
  • make tarball : Deletes all object files, libraries (similar to make clean) and creates a .tar.gz archive of the source tree. This useful for backup and file release purposes.

So, the following command sequence will compile the libraries. You can use the same command sequence for all the components. Note that in Linux, you MUST compile SimSect++ before you can compile RHexLib

# cd SimSect++
# make depend
# make clean
# make all
# cd ../RHexLib; make depend; make clean; make all
# cd ../MichLib; make depend; make clean; make all
# cd ../McGillLib; make depend; make clean; make all

In future compilations, just using make all would be sufficient. This will compile only the sources which have changed since the last compilation.

Refer to the FAQ below if any errors occurred during the compilation or any of the steps above.

Frequently Asked Questions, Common Problems

  • Q1: I get an error message "make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop." when I type make clean.
A1: This means that one of the environment variables RHEX_DIR or RHEX_HARDWARE was not properly defined. Check the definition by typing:
# echo $RHEX_DIR
The result should be the absolute location of the directory in which the RHexLib distribution is installed, and the name of the hardware. i.e.something like:
Otherwise, repeat the steps above for setting the environment variables. Also, make sure that the HOME environment variable is defined. (type echo $HOME). If not, you might need to manually enter the location of your home directory. i.e. something like:
setenv RHEX_DIR /home/u/ulucs/RHex/RHexLib
  • Q2: I get an error message "Error: RHEX_DIR environment variable undefined!" when I type make all.
A2: Once again, the environment variable RHEX_DIR is not properly defined. Refer to Question 1.
  • Q3: I get an error message "Error: RHEX_HARDWARE environment variable undefined!" when I type make all.
A3: Once again, the environment variable RHEX_HARDWARE is not properly defined. Refer to Question 1.



This page was created by Uluc Saranli, 2001